My Writing


Deep brain stimulation helps UW prof live with Parkinson’s. Health Sciences NewsBeat, Mar 31, 2016.

Feel Good Day lifts spirits of people and their petsHealth Sciences NewsBeat, Sep 9, 2015. 

Hold your horses! Equine guest attends classHealth Sciences NewsBeat, May 27, 2015. 

Seattle’s backyard chickens: Fair or fowl? Health Sciences NewsBeat, Dec 17, 2014. 

Staff member in doctoral program receives prestigious EPA STAR fellowship UW Today, Feb. 18, 2011.

With ham radio volunteering and managing diabetes, nothing slows this dedicated manager. University Week, Jun. 3, 2010.

A little can be a lot. A Cup of Comfort for a Better World. Ed. Colleen Sell. Cincinnati, OH: Adams Media. March 2010.

Toward a better basket: UW lecturer travels Nicaragua to promote ergonomic reform for coffee harvesters. University Week, Jun. 25, 2009.

8, 2, 6 . . . Blastoff! City Arts Magazine, February 2009.

Elizabeth Falconer: The storyteller’s story. JetStreams Newsletter, June 2005.

The dead don’t talk, but plants might: Rolf Mathewes, the forensic botanist. Northwest Science and Technology, Fall 2004.

Science writing

Pollutants differ on the farm, but still play role in asthmaHealth Sciences NewsBeat, Feb  3, 2015.

Downstream effects of tossed meds, care products studiedHealth Sciences NewsBeat, Oct 15, 2014.

Managing caregivers' return to work post-injuryHealth Sciences NewsBeat, Mar 6, 2014. 

The fish we eat.  Environmental Health News, Autumn 2012.

MRSA study leads to changes in fire station protocols. Environmental Health News, Autumn 2010.

Recognizing and responding to pain in loved ones with dementia. Alzheimer's Disease Research Center's Dimensions, Summer 2008.

ADRC researchers confirm Alzheimer's disease begins years prior to diagnosis, as early as 50 years old. Alzheimer's Disease Research Center's Dimensions, Spring 2008.

Screening saves lives: March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month. Center for Public Health Genomics Spotlight, March 2007.

“Signs of intelligent life: Bacteria start small, but grow smart.” Northwest Science and Technology, Spring 2005.

“Frontline defense: Oregon company expands production of high-tech bandage to support U.S. army.” Northwest Science and Technology, Spring 2005.

Travel narratives
Various essays on Palpa's signature chukauni,  Tansen,  Janakpur, Boudha Monastery, Khumjung. To Nepal With Love. Ed. Kim Fay, 2013.

Yagen Valley Hot Springs. To Japan With Love. Ed. Celeste Heiter. Singapore: ThingsAsian Press, 2009: 178-181; 215-16.

To boldly go: Visiting the land of the rising sun. Quest Magazine, Vol.16 No.1 · Winter ·January - March · 2009.

Take me to america. Transition's Abroad, February 2008.

Book-length work
The Best JET Alumni Narrative Essays. Steven Horowitz and Elizabeth Sharpe, eds. Seattle, Washington, 2008.

Investigating the Unliterary: Six Essays on Burroughs’s Tarzan of the Apes. Richard J. Utz, ed., with the assistance of Elizabeth Sharpe. Regensburg, Germany: Verlg Ulrich Martzinek, 1995.